
Fractions and picket fences.

A quarter of the time—whole life.


Surrounding what it encompasses…

Compartments. Safe.

Not my pieces


Trying to attain the sum of something.


Paint the days, white-Lilly, strokes-imperfect,

but they’ll do.


Those not brave enough!


Keep the gate closed.

I tell myself running-up hills.


On the outside of comfort, weary.



You ask as if I know—


I’d rather feel soil escaping through my fingers,

as I steal flowers from the earth.


My mother, in her needlepoint apron,

was a promise to keep!


What I became only to let go…

Wounded soldier. A kaleidoscope.


I’ve always wanted to live there—


Sturdy staircase. White stove.

Windows that turn falling rain into musical notes.

If footsteps could carry us backwards…


We could recreate the world, solid-men,

marching-bands in the fields,


swing-free, birds, on a tire-empire,

tug-rope secure over a grandfather-branch.


Put on the coffee!

Hush your nonsense…


I will build blue-steel ceilings,

 no dream can escape

without a price.


Count to ten and breathe.

Listen for a thing called love,

another time—


I am here! Here!


The temperature is changing.

Bring in the wood for the fire.


Exterior chipping,

to the ground falls with leaves blowing east.


A message in the night:

hang the yellow dress—hope

on a back hanger.


Maria Pisciotta-DellaPorte ©2018